Tuesday, 25 January 2011


Listening to: Soon This Space Will Be Too Small (Lhasa De Sela)
Pondering: 18months now seems too long to wait to be the next Holly Golightly.

When I was very young, in a short space of time, both of my grandmothers died, I found out my sisters were in actual fact half sisters, and I had siblings I'd never even known about. And Santa wasn't real. It was on heck of a rough time. In times like these, Dad would say "Don't worry, you'll be ok, God never gives us more than he thinks we can handle".
When I was a little less younger, I was convinced that I couldn't be too happy, or I'd draw attention to myself and karmic forces would ensure somthing really bad happened to balance it all out. Mum said, "Just be a good person, and good things will happen for you. What goes around comes around."
As I left my teens I decided to live by "expect the unexpected" (i.e. plan for any and every eventuality) and "go with the flow" if the unexpected unexpected ever came up, and this was my guaranteed plan for how to "stay on the ball".

But when "bad things come in threes" and you have to persuade yourself that "whatever doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger" until those "good things waiting around the corner" come around the corner- doesn't it seem like sometimes the Big Guy upstairs is really trying to run you into the ground? 

As Pat Benatar sang, "come on and hit me with your best shot"

2 Sides of the same coin- both taken in the same place,
on the same day- now you just can't see the beach for the storm

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